Financial Assistance for Victims of Gender-Based Violence in Indianapolis

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in a relationship. This can include withholding money, controlling household expenses, or refusing to include it in financial decisions. Victims of gender-based violence in Indianapolis have access to a variety of resources that can provide financial assistance for basic needs such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, transportation, and medical expenses. The Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment (DVPT) grant program was established by the Indiana General Assembly (IC 5-2-6) in 1992 to provide support to Indianaans.

The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) awards the grants as part of the STOP Violence Against Women formula. STOP stands for services, training, officers and prosecutors. The Julian Center is the largest organization in Indiana that supports victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other life crises. It provides emergency shelter, legal advocacy, counseling, support groups, and safety planning through its Victim Assistance Program. The Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) also offers financial assistance to victims of domestic violence through its Emergency Financial Assistance Program.

This program provides assistance with rent/mortgage payments, utility bills, car repairs/payments, medical bills, and other basic needs. The Indianapolis Urban League provides financial assistance to victims of gender-based violence through its Victim Assistance Program. This program provides assistance with rent/mortgage payments, utility bills, car repairs/payments, medical bills, and other basic needs. The Indianapolis Urban League also offers counseling services and legal advocacy for victims of gender-based violence. The YWCA of Greater Indianapolis also provides financial assistance to victims of gender-based violence through its Victim Assistance Program. The YWCA also offers counseling services and legal advocacy for victims of gender-based violence. In addition to these organizations, there are several other organizations that provide financial assistance to victims of gender-based violence in Indianapolis.

These organizations include the Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault (INCASA), the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), the Julian Center, the YWCA of Greater Indianapolis, and the Indianapolis Urban League.

Mable Aliotta
Mable Aliotta

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